Ernakulam is a major city in Kerala. Ernakulam is part of Kochi referred to in the history of Kerala as the Queen of Arabian Sea. Koviloor is a small village in Vattavada Panchayat in Idukki district. Koviloor is around 170 km from Ernakulam city. KSRTC (Kerala State Road Transport Corporation) providing public travel options, Ernakulam bus depot run a fast passenger bus between Ernakulam and Koviloor via Munnar. This bus travels through Mattupetty Dam, Kundala Dam, Eco Point, Top Station and Vattavada, very important tourists spots in Munnar. If you’re looking for affordable bus travel options, here are the Ernakulam to Vattavada (Koviloor) Bus Timings and Vattavada (Koviloor) to Ernakulam Bus Timings for your travel convenience. Note that in some cases, the bus images displayed are representative. Please contact the respective bus stands and depots for the most up-to-date bus schedules.
KSRTC ‘Fast Passenger’ Ernakulam to Koviloor
Bus Route (Bus Stops) : Aluva, Perumbavoor, Kothamangalam, Adimaly, Kallar, Munnar, Mattupetty Dam, Echo Point, Kundala Dam, Top Station, Vattavada
Bus Timetables for Ernakulam and Koviloor Routes
Ernakulam to Koviloor (Vattavada) KSRTC Bus Timings
If you’re looking for affordable bus travel options, here are the Ernakulam to Koviloor bus timings, indicating the KSTC Koviloor bus timings from Ernakulam Bus Stand.
- Bus Schedules – Departure at Ernakulam : 04:00
- at Kothamangalam : 06:00
- at Adimaly : 07:30
- at Munnar : 09:00
- Arrival at Koviloor : 11:00
- Ernakulam to Koviloor Bus Timings (Private)
- KSRTC Ernakulam to Munnar Bus Timings
Koviloor (Vattavada) to Ernakulam KSRTC Bus Timings
If you’re looking for affordable bus travel options, here are the Koviloor to Ernakulam bus timings, indicating the KSRTC Ernakulam bus timings from Koviloor bus stand.
- Bus Schedules – Departure at Koviloor : 12:00
- Arrival at Ernakulam : 19:00
- Koviloor to Ernakulam Bus Timings (Private)
- KSRTC Munnar to Ernakulam Bus Timings
- KSRTC Bus Timings from Munnar
- Private Bus Timings from Munnar
- TNSTC Bus Timings from Munnar
Ernakulam to Koviloor (Vattavada) : Distance and Travel Time
The distance between Ernakulam and Koviloor is around 170 km and the KSRTC Ernakulam to Koviloor bus travel time will be around 07:00 hrs. The KSRTC bus service is one of the best budget-friendly travel options available between Ernakulam and Koviloor, providing low-cost bus travel to passengers.
Where to Book Ernakulam to Koviloor Kerala RTC Online Bus Tickets?
Kerala RTC Bus Enquiry Contact Number : 0471 – 2463799, 9447071021
KSRTC Munnar Bus Stand Contact Number : 04865 – 230201
KSRTC Ernakulam Bus Stand Contact Number : 0484 – 2372033
Kerala State Road Transport Corporation (Kerala RTC) is a public transport bus operator in Kerala.
Book Kerala RTC online bus tickets from Ernakulam to Koviloor here!