Pudukkottai is around 320 km from Sathyamangalam via Avinashi, Tiruppur, Trichy. TNSTC (Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation) runs bus services from Sathyamangalam to Pudukkottai and from Pudukkottai to Sathyamangalam. If you’re planning a bus trip from Sathyamangalam to Pudukkottai or vice versa, here are the Sathyamangalam to Pudukkottai Bus Timings and Pudukkottai to Sathyamangalam Bus Timings for your travel convenience. Note that in some cases, the bus images displayed are representative. Please contact the respective bus stands and depots for the most up-to-date bus schedules.
Sathyamangalam to Pudukkottai Bus Route Details
- Division : TNSTC Coimbatore
- Region : TNSTC Erode
- Depot : Sathyamangalam
- Class : Express
- Bus Route Number :
- Bus Route (Bus Stops) : Puliyampatti, Avinashi, Tiruppur, Kangeyam, Karur, Trichy
- Number of Buses daily : 1 bus
Sathyamangalam to Pudukkottai Bus Timings
TNSTC Pudukkottai bus timings from Sathyamangalam bus stand.
- Bus Schedules – Departure at Sathyamangalam : 13:15
TNSTC Bus Timings from Sathyamangalam Bus Stand
TNSTC Bus Timings from Tiruppur (towards Trichy)
TNSTC Bus Timings from Tiruppur (towards Madurai)
Pudukkottai to Sathyamangalam Bus Timings
TNSTC Sathyamangalam bus timings from Pudukkottai bus stand.
- Bus Schedules – Departure at Pudukkottai : 23:00
Sathyamangalam to Pudukkottai : Distance & Travel Time
- Distance : 320 km
- Travel Time : 09:00 hrs
The Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC) is a public transport bus operator in Tamil Nadu. Book tickets online at
Official TNSTC / SETC Login Online Booking site