Anchetty is a small town in Krishnagiri district, surrounded by a large collection of reserve forests. Anchetty can be reached via the Denkanikottai and Hogenakkal falls routes. Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC) operates buses from Anchetty bus stand, connecting it to surrounding villages and towns. Check the bus timings from Anchetty bus stand below. Note that in some cases, the bus images displayed are representative. Please contact the respective bus stands and depots for the most up-to-date bus schedules.
Anchetty to Denkanikottai TNSTC Bus Timings
Here are the Anchetty to Denkanikottai bus timings, indicating TNSTC Denkanikottai Bus Timings from Anchetty Bus Stand.
- Bus Route (Bus Stops) : Kundukottai, Karandapalli
- Bus Timings – Departure at Anchetty : 05:45, 06:30, 07:00, 11:20, 13:30, 14:00, 15:45, 16:00, 16:40, 19:00, 19:30
- Distance : 25 km
- Travel Time : 00:50 hrs
- TNSTC Bus Timings from Denkanikottai
Anchetty to Dharmapuri TNSTC Bus Timings
Here are the Anchetty to Dharmapuri bus timings, indicating TNSTC Dharmapuri Bus Timings from Anchetty Bus Stand.
- Bus Route (Bus Stops) : Denkanikottai, Marandahalli, Palacode
- Bus Timings – Departure at Anchetty : 09:00, 10:00, 13:45, 18:00
- Distance : 100 km
- Travel Time : 04:00 hrs
- TNSTC Bus Timings from Dharmapuri
Anchetty to Doddamanchi TNSTC Bus Timings
Here are the Anchetty to Doddamanchi bus timings, indicating TNSTC Doddamanchi Bus Timings from Anchetty Bus Stand.
- Bus Route (Bus Stops) : Natrampalayam
- Bus Timings – Departure at Anchetty : 06:45, 15:15, 17:15
- Distance : 20 km
- Travel Time : 01:00 hrs
Anchetty to Hosur TNSTC Bus Timings
Here are the Anchetty to Hosur bus timings, indicating TNSTC Hosur Bus Timings from Anchetty Bus Stand.
- Bus Route (Bus Stops) : Denkanikottai
- Bus Timings – Departure at Anchetty : 17:30
- Distance : 50 km
- Travel Time : 01:30 hrs
- TNSTC Bus Timings from Hosur Bus Stand
- SETC Bus Timings from Hosur
Anchetty to Kempakarai TNSTC Bus Timings
Here are the Anchetty to Kempakarai bus timings, indicating TNSTC Kempakarai Bus Timings from Anchetty Bus Stand.
- Bus Route (Bus Stops) : Natrampalayam
- Bus Timings – Departure at Anchetty : 07:00
- Distance : 22 km
- Travel Time : 00:50 hrs
Anchetty to Kottaiyur TNSTC Bus Timings
Here are the Anchetty to Kottaiyur bus timings, indicating TNSTC Kottaiyur Bus Timings from Anchetty Bus Stand.
- Bus Route (Bus Stops) : Thaggatti
- Bus Timings – Departure at Anchetty : 09:00, 11:00
- Distance : 24 km
- Travel Time : 01:00 hrs
Anchetty to Mallehalli TNSTC Bus Timings
Here are the Anchetty to Mallehalli bus timings, indicating TNSTC Mallehalli Bus Timings from Anchetty Bus Stand.
- Bus Route (Bus Stops) : Thaggatti, Kottaiyur
- Bus Timings – Departure at Anchetty : 13:15, 17:20
- Distance : 30 km
- Travel Time : 01:30 hrs
Anchetty to Natrampalayam TNSTC Bus Timings
Here are the Anchetty to Natrampalayam bus timings, indicating TNSTC Natrampalayam Bus Timings from Anchetty Bus Stand.
- Bus Route (Bus Stops) :
- Bus Timings – Departure at Anchetty : 18:00
- Distance : 20 km
- Travel Time : 01:00 hrs
Anchetty to Pennagaram TNSTC Bus Timings
Here are the Anchetty to Pennagaram bus timings, indicating TNSTC Pennagaram Bus Timings from Anchetty Bus Stand.
- Bus Route (Bus Stops) : Natrampalayam, Hogenakkal
- Bus Timings – Departure at Anchetty : 07:00, 09:15, 20:00
- Distance : 50 km
- Travel Time : 02:00 hrs
For more information on TNSTC bus timings for specific cities and towns, you can also check the District-wise bus stand timetables. The Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC) is a public transport bus operator in Tamil Nadu. Book tickets online at
Official TNSTC / SETC Login Online Booking site